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Recognising the pivotal role of AI in improving Procurement’s efficiency and innovation, a benchmarking initiative was conducted within the CASME membership to investigate the…

Hands coming together holding a puzzle piece each

STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT: A Guide to Building Relationships

Certain procurement challenges have staying power, and that’s especially true for mastering effective stakeholder engagement.

AI Driven Procurement White paper front cover

AI Driven Procurement: Now and in Future

Given the popularity of Artificial Intelligence (AI), avoiding the hype is a challenge along with resisting the fear of falling behind.

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Digital Media Price Trends SnapShot

Access the latest 'Price Trends' benchmarking.  This particular SnapShot will help Marketing Procurement with their contract negotiations when buying digital media. …

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Preferred Supplier Lists SnapShot

As global markets continue to be volatile, continuity of supply is now frequently being used as a criteria for inclusion of suppliers in a Preferred Supplier List (PSL). …

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How to Master Category Planning

The linchpin for effective procurement management is the category plan. Download this white paper for CASME’s top ten tips for successful category planning.
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Implementing Sustainable Procurement

Sustainability is now a key business priority, and many companies use the term as an overarching umbrella to encompass the three areas of corporate social responsibility (CSR), environmental,…

Payment Terms SnapShot Cover

Payment Terms SnapShot

Consistent cash flow is imperative for any business striving to meet its strategic expectations.

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Digitalisation and Procurement: Are You Ready?

To thrive in today’s economy, the procurement function is having to evolve quickly to succeed. Digitalisation is a reality that cannot be overlooked as a key strategy for helping to manage…